5 ways to amplify your small business marketing in 2019


It’s a new year which means new opportunities. The holidays are over and its back to business.

As each year passes, more and more changes are taking place in the marketing and social media space and it’s important for businesses of all sizes to keep a pulse on industry trends and emerging technology, of course you should put in consideration getting small business insurance for your company . 

Review the data, analytics and trends from last year

What worked and what didn’t? Put aside some time in January to thoroughly assess the big-picture of what was effective with your marketing last year, and what could use some tweaks.

Freviewing your data and analytics from a 30,000-foot view can give you a more wholesome picture on the obvious trends and patterns.

If there were any specific campaigns, sales or communications that we’re especially effective, think about how you could recreate or repurpose the experience to get added longevity out of your efforts.

On the flip side, if there were total flops with any of your marketing efforts, take heart. Don’t perceive these as failures.

Not getting the results you wanted from a marketing campaign is feedback for you to optimize your customer communication and give you a better idea as to what your customer would like.

Encourage and respond to the conversations happening online

Right now, your customers and clients are researching for their services and products online. Social media and the digital space have become a gathering place for like-minded individuals to share their thoughts freely.

While it’s important to always encourage healthy conversation, the truth is: your customers can give you some incredible feedback if you remain open to their suggestions.

Cultivating a two-way dialogue with your customer helps them to feel heard, can improve your product development efforts or service offerings and creates a direct relationship that can lead to brand loyalty and connection.

It’s not enough for brands to just be posting on social media. It’s important to leverage digital platforms to truly connect and create conversations.

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Think about implementing mobile-first strategies

More and more research has emerged that suggests people are consuming most of their content through social media and mobile-devices.

As a result, Google announced in 2018 searches will take page speed into consideration when determining the ranking for mobile websites and keywords. 

This initiative from Google rewards those brands or websites that incorporate an exceptional mobile user experience or adopt a mobile-first content strategy.

What makes the difference in a mobile-first content strategy? Well, on a surface level, mobile devices present two major “challenges” that desktops do not.

  1. Phones screens are significantly smaller than desktops, and with that comes smaller text and a smaller depth of field to view content in.
  2. 99% of mobile devices are now keyboard free. Website navigation and user interfaces requires touch-screen mobility and the user’s desire to scroll down.

Marketers are always going to go where consumers are. To add some context, more people have iPhones than they do toilets… Indicating that mobile-first marketing is quickly shaking up more than just the digital landscape.

This is just one example that emphasises the importance of optimizing your content for search engines on both mobile and desktop. Along with ensuring your marketing efforts are mobile-friendly if not completely created for the mobile-audience.

Consider outsourcing your marketing efforts

Research surfaced in BigCommerce showed “small business owners spend roughly 33 hours a week on marketing activities,” and 76 per cent of them report “having insufficient time in the day to get everything done.”

If this sentiment rings true to you, it might be time to consider outsourcing your marketing.

Not only is it one of the quickest ways to actually minimize small business costs — there are a plethora of other benefits as well.

Outsourcing your marketing is a great option for small businesses owners that need to spend more time focusing on their own roles.

It enables you to convert fixed costs into variable costs, allows you to avoid large expenditures and can free up capital for investment elsewhere in your business.

Save on labour, start new projects more quickly and create efficiency in your day-to-day operations. Win. Win. Win.

It’s no doubt that managing your business, operations, employees and marketing efforts can feel overwhelming to say the least. When you’re focused on growing your business, client retention, making sales and everything else — your business needs results.

Taking a new approach to marketing your business in 2019 can lead to reduced cost and effort towards your marketing and business goals.

True marketing is strategically deployed experimentation: what works well for your business might not work for another’s.

Try out these new strategies in 2019 and decide what’s best for you and your business.


An Important Update About Bullfrog Insurance 

Please be aware that due to a change in our operations, Bullfrog Insurance has made the difficult decision to start winding down our business. This means we are no longer accepting new clients. 

Are you an existing Bullfrog Insurance client? Rest assured that your coverage remains valid, and you’ll continue to be protected up until your policy expiry date. Watch your inbox for more details from our team.