How To Avoid Summer Burnout

Summer is coming – here’s how to avoid getting “burnt out”.


Summers are hard for a lot of businesses. Business slows down and the calls of the beach and BBQs make it mentally difficult to stay inside and focus on growing your business. Even though you love your business and want to see it grow, you can start to feel a little burnt out and less productive than you should be. We’ve all been there! Here are some tips to help avoid that summer burnout, so you can enjoy your business and the nice weather.


Put more focus on the things you value: Go grab a pen and paper and write down everything that you did last week. How many times you tweeted, wrote an article, time spent on emails, etc. Then cross off everything that you did that didn’t provide value to your business. By doing that you’re likely to find that you waste a lot of hours doing work that you don’t really have to do, stuff you just picked up along the way. Use the summer months to rid yourself of these “extra: tasks to help you re-focus your effort on the things that do provide to your business.


Revamp your business: It’s not the amount of work that causes us to feel burnt out; it’s the type of work.  When you’re working smart and being innovative, you feel like you can go all night. Your body isn’t tired, your mind is. Take the summer to jump-start things and get a little daring. Doing so will help you come up with exciting new marketing plays for your business and it will also help you mentally reinvest in what you’re doing.


Re-adjust expectations: Our lives tend to get a little busier in the summer. If you’re starting to feel a little burnt out trying to squeeze in the same amount of work in a shortened amount of time, it may be time to readjust your expectations. Shorten your “To Do” list and allow yourself some extra slack. Your sanity will thank you later. So will your children.


Treat yourself: Put the fire back into your business by taking some time to invest in it and in yourself. The summer months are often chock-filled with networking opportunities. There’s an increased number of conferences, seminars, webinars and networking events – take advantage of them. However, you decide to do it, the best way to feel inspired is to arm yourself with new information and techniques for growing your business.


It’s okay to feel a little less excited about working during the summer months. However, by changing things up a bit, realigning your expectations and finding new ways to fuel your flames, you’ll find that this summer may be the most exciting one you have yet.

Be sure to visit the Bullfrog Blog often for more tips on marketing, productivity and risk mitigation.


An Important Update About Bullfrog Insurance 

Please be aware that due to a change in our operations, Bullfrog Insurance has made the difficult decision to start winding down our business. This means we are no longer accepting new clients. 

Are you an existing Bullfrog Insurance client? Rest assured that your coverage remains valid, and you’ll continue to be protected up until your policy expiry date. Watch your inbox for more details from our team.