Differentiate Your Workplace to Attract The Best Employees


In the increasingly competitive pursuit of the best and brightest employees, fostering a workplace that is conducive to innovation, team building and productivity is a terrific way to attract staff that operate at a higher level than your competition.


In order to create an environment that allows for brilliance, teamwork and creativity, you have to be committed to organizational change, not simply curious about it. Hosting team building activities such as a softball games or an off site get together, can come across as insincere or contrived to serve ulterior motives.  Savvy employees are often the first to perceive this, so such efforts are made in vain.  If you really want to attain employees with higher levels of passion, here are some of the best methods to reboot things and modernize your organization.


Schedule accommodations

While they may come off as yet another “buzz” term, flex hours, afford many the ability to be more productive and more available to their job.  This allows individuals to operate at a higher and often more focused level because they are not distracted by many of the outside responsibilities of life. As well, for individuals who cannot work a standard work week implementing a 4 day work week structure at 80% pay is a solution currently being piloted by the likes of Amazon, Netflix and many other innovative and reputable firms.  Accommodating employees in this way bolsters diversity and commitment which leads to a very powerful team.


Working from home

Similarly offering the option to work from home not only allows for great convenience for the employee, but also provides significant benefits to the team and the business. When passionate employees are working from home, they will often work longer more focused hours (e.g. no chatter by the water cooler), allowing for increased amounts of productivity. As well the business requirement or real estate is diminished, resulting in significant cost savings.  Finally, employees who work from home also take fewer days off due to being sick.  Contrary to what you might think, people working from home typically provide a higher output than average.


Office Pets

Allowing people to bring elements of their home life to work is a fantastic way to make the work experience more personal for some employees.  Often out of concern for their pet who is home along, many employees feel a bit distracted or guilty about the time at work. Allowing their pets in the office often alleviates this; leading to increased time and focus to work. Pets also often have great character which tends to put employees in higher spirits, allowing for increased energy around the office.  While it may not be conducive to have someone bring in a pet alligator, allowing for smaller – less threatening pets — is a great concept employed by several successful companies.


At Bullfrog Insurance, we believe in continually questioning the status quo and pushing the limits of corporate innovation.  Likewise seeking to improve things often causes entrepreneurs to launch a business — but it is their talented staff that keep the business growing and progressing.


Be sure to frequently visit our Bullfroginsurance.com blog for more tips and business advice on everything from staffing to marketing to risk management.


An Important Update About Bullfrog Insurance 

Please be aware that due to a change in our operations, Bullfrog Insurance has made the difficult decision to start winding down our business. This means we are no longer accepting new clients. 

Are you an existing Bullfrog Insurance client? Rest assured that your coverage remains valid, and you’ll continue to be protected up until your policy expiry date. Watch your inbox for more details from our team.