Tips for Growing Your Small Business



So you’ve finally got your small business off the ground (congratulations!) and things are positively moving ahead. The next item on your to-do list is to continue to invest in your small business to ensure its ongoing growth and success.

To help your business on its journey through the competitive marketplace, here are some tips to consider to boost your business further ahead:


Make Networking a Priority.

Whether it’s going to industry information sessions or introducing yourself to your fellow local businesses, make networking an integral part of your business plan. In order to grow and expand your operations, you will need to make connections. From creating awareness of what your small business offers to even creating an extension of a current offering via a corporate sponsorship, when it comes to expanding your network, the possibilities are endless.


Create and Maintain a Strategic Direction.

Developing a strategic plan and setting out clear objectives is key to your business’ success. Along with helping your business stay focused, a strategic plan will aid your business in finding its place within the competitive marketplace and will shed light on any changes that need to be made. As you follow through with your plan, various external and internal factors may come into play that will require you to re-assess your strategy and make adjustments. In order for your business to progress and adapt, these small changes are necessary.


Keep Your Website Updated.

In order for potential new customers to find your business and assess the services and/or products it offers, it is imperative that your website is kept up to date. Whether it be ensuring that your site is properly reflecting changes in your branding or promoting new product/service offerings, it is important to keep your site updated in order to keep your customer base informed.


Keep an Eye on the Competition.

Assessing your competition in the marketplace is very beneficial and a must when it comes to growing your business. From advertising initiatives, changes in services or products or the way in which businesses are interacting with their customers, your competition offers insight into what is working in regards to growth and what potential gaps may be presenting themselves.


Utilize Social Media Platforms.

Depending on what industry your small business belongs to or what products/services it offers, utilizing social media platforms can be an important tool for interacting with your customer base and developing a community following. It is important to stress that just because you create a social media account on a specific platform doesn’t mean that your business will grow ten-fold over night. Make it routine to post useful and engaging content that your customer base will find appealing and resourceful.


Protect Your Business.

As your small business grows, it is imperative that you ensure it is properly protected with the right insurance policy. Whether your small business insurance is a home business consisting of two employees or a niche advertising agency consisting of 15 employees, your risks will be unique and your insurance policy should reflect that.


Have any questions on the information above or want to speak to one of our licensed insurance brokers about getting the right liability insurance small business? Give us a shout today!

An Important Update About Bullfrog Insurance 

Please be aware that due to a change in our operations, Bullfrog Insurance has made the difficult decision to start winding down our business. This means we are no longer accepting new clients. 

Are you an existing Bullfrog Insurance client? Rest assured that your coverage remains valid, and you’ll continue to be protected up until your policy expiry date. Watch your inbox for more details from our team.