The first few weeks at the beginning of the new year is a great opportunity for businesses to conduct a yearly review and to also review their current insurance policy. Within a year, significant changes to your business can occur. Whether it was growth in the number of new employees or the inclusion of new equipment, it is important that your insurance policy is updated to reflect and cover these changes.
If changes need to be made to your policy or if you are unsure if changes need to be made, you can easily call Bullfrog Insurance or your broker to find out.
Here are some helpful tips to consider in order to ensure that your business, and its risk protection, is off to a great start.
Make a list of new insurable items.
Over the past year, has your business purchased any new equipment, inventory and contents? Have you added a second location? These are changes that should be included in your policy.
Added a vehicle to your business?
It’s key to know that your personal auto insurance policy will not cover your vehicle when used for business. If you use the vehicle for business related services such as delivery or making house calls to offer a service, you need a separate auto policy for the vehicle to be insured and covered should a claim unfortunately occur.
Hired more employees or added new activities to their job outline?
As you hire more staff or expand job activities to suit the growing need of your business, you should always check that you have appropriate coverage. For example, if you are a contractor, you should make sure you disclose all new activities to your insurance broker to ensure your liability coverage will protect you.
You are a start-up working out of a home office.
Working out of a home office doesn’t mean that your business is automatically insured through an existing home insurance policy. Should any claims be made toward the location without a proper business insurance policy in place, the claim may not be paid and your business will take a financial hit.
If you have any questions regarding the information above or if you would like to discuss your current policy with a broker, our Bullfrog Insurance brokers would be happy to help you out.