When starting a business or looking to build the profile of an established business you cannot overlook the importance of social media marketing. Building your brand online can help boost your customer base and help manage your brand. It’s also a comparatively cheap method of marketing that can be done in-house. When thinking about strategies for social media marketing one needs to consider the current positioning of the brand and what they would like it to be. Below are tips for improving your social media marketing strategy – No Bull.
- Know Your Brand and Audience
To make the most out of your social media avoid the spray and pray method. Your product or business may serve a wide variety of people, but in social media marketing it is important to define your target market relative to the channel you are using. Start by creating target audience profiles and considering specific messages that you would like them to take away from your online presence.
- Make Sure Your Channels Work Together
Each aspect of your online presence should complement each other. Your website should be the main hub of your online brand. It should define your voice and set the tone for all of your social media channels. The goal of every channel may be to drive traffic to your website if that is the place where customers can purchase your product or service. It is integral that they are all interconnected. Use icons and buttons to link to your social media channels on your website and include call to action phrases that encourage customers to follow, like and subscribe.
- Be Consistent
When starting out with social media marketing it can be tricky to manage all of the channels. Set aside time each day for planning and posting and make sure to do it regularly. Social media moves quickly and if your business is not appearing in the timelines and newsfeeds of your customers daily you will get lost in the shuffle. Using sites like Hootsuite can help you to schedule your posts so that you can plan ahead and not have to worry about manually posting each day.
- Social Conversations Happen In Real Time
The conversation on social media happens in real time. It’s not called anti-social media. It is important that you are using your social media channels to BE social. Respond to mentions, join in relevant conversations and interact with consumers. It is also important to share timely and interesting content for your consumers to read. It can help build your profile. It also helps to build trust because consumers do not want to constantly see ads for your business on their timeline.
- Paid Advertising
Social media also offers a great opportunity to do some paid advertising at a reasonable price. Social media sites collect mass amounts of data from their users which, in turn allows businesses to target advertising to a very specific audience. Even with a small budget you can leverage social media ads through easy to use ad managers on each channel.
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