Startup Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these mistakes to ensure success for your start-up!

While entrepreneurs focus on the expected and worthwhile rewards of starting a new company, not as many are aware of some potential pitfalls to avoid along the way. When you become aware of what mistakes to avoid, it will help boost the chances that your new business will succeed. Being aware of the potential of mistakes is also the reason why small business insurance is important for your new company.


Don’t Choose a Partner with Nothing Different to Offer

When creating a start-up, sometimes you can’t just pick your best friend who you have everything in common with. It carries a number of important advantages and it’s critical that your partner brings something different to the start-up from your skill set.  As you build new business parent relationships, make sure each partner you bring on brings his or her own unique offering. This will allow you to combine all skill sets into one plan of action that increases your company’s revenue and growth.


Lack of a Marketing Strategy

Everything is constantly changing, that is even more true when it comes to marketing tools and strategies. You can’t just have the right marketing strategy; you must also know how to deliver it effectively in today’s technology-based world.  You always want to deliver an impactful message.


It’s Not Just About the Money

A hefty paycheck can motivate anyone. But your work should be more than just for the paycheck. If you sincerely enjoy the work you perform through your start-up, you’ll care that much more about seeing it succeed.


Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Of course, there are mistakes you should always avoid, but being afraid of making any mistakes at all can hurt your company more than help it. You may never achieve your goals if you’re too afraid to take any steps toward reaching them.  Always analyze major decisions, but don’t over analyze.  Accept that there will be some risk involved in forming and growing a start-up.


Be sure to visit the Bullfrog Blog often for more tips on marketing, productivity and risk mitigation. Reach out to us and get a quote now!


An Important Update About Bullfrog Insurance 

Please be aware that due to a change in our operations, Bullfrog Insurance has made the difficult decision to start winding down our business. This means we are no longer accepting new clients. 

Are you an existing Bullfrog Insurance client? Rest assured that your coverage remains valid, and you’ll continue to be protected up until your policy expiry date. Watch your inbox for more details from our team.